Labels:crt screen | laptop | monitor | paper | plant | reckoner | sky OCR: Manual Forms he faster you can bill, the faster expeci payment! Gur specially imprinted involces are des signed for ispeed, clarity and accuracy. preventing hilling and shipping errors to-read INVOICE 2-,3 a packing 4- or list 5-part with blacked carborless out sets price (5th columm) part Add Al 2-hole invoices punched are at hottom consecutively for posting. numbered and of your own Deluxe Invoice #11000 commonly 81/2" (detached) choice of 4" or 50 sold iems part packing lists (For 4-part packing list. order #10999. not shown} #11000 Room for 9 entries See compatible envelopes in chart Prod. Deseriplion 350 500 11000 2000 71000 2-Port S51.50 $65.50 S105.00 ST70.00 3-Port 68.50 95.50 143.0 228.00 4-Port 81.50 116.00 180.00 304.00 us 5-Part 95.50 1140.00 215.00 16800 T0999 4 Port wiih Pack ...